June 2021 Minutes

Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club

Board of Directors Meeting

June 8, 2021

Vice-President Jay Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Board Members Present: Jay Wilson, Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell, Bruce Petersen, Sam Barta, Larry Cooper, Nich McVay, and Roger Amburn.

Board Members Absent: Jon Barnes and Julie Bowen

Other Members Present: Gavin Campbell, Jim McVay, Marcy Lucas and Leslie Leytham.

Minutes for the Board Meeting of May 11, 2021 was reviewed. Bill Campbell wanted to amend Warden of Ground, #4, to include Donnie Hartman when thanking Bruce & Vickie Petersen for helping during the May Clean Up Event. Larry Cooper made motion to approve the Minutes with Bill Campbell second. All present in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam Barta provided the accountability statement for the period ending May 31, 2021. He reported the income and the expense totals for that month. Sam noted that 194 members renewed via the website. He also noted the large amounts in expenses were for the payment of Taxes, Fees & Insurance and Machinery & Equipment. The total Cash and Investments total was also provided. Sam confirmed that the large expenses were paid with the collected income from April and May, so the club did not need to use any of the existing funds on account.

Bill Campbell made motion to approve the Treasurer report with Nich McVay second. All present in favor.

Presentation of Vouchers: Sam Barta presented the May vouchers for approval. Larry Cooper made motion to accept the vouchers with Mary Kay Peters second. All present in favor.

Approval of New Members: The following fourteen (14) new members were reviewed for approval. We welcome new members Alicia Bembenek, Donald & Cindy Pike, Rob Summerville, Scott Haupert, Tanner & Morgan George, Jason & Ranae Larsen, Robert & Marianne Dirksen, Charles Dixon, Kayulea Williams & Tom Archer, Barbara Allen, Ryan & Megan Mech, Roger & Patty Wells, Johnathan & Jennifer Mann and Leslie Leytham.

With the 14 new members noted above and the deleted unpaid members, the current total membership is 698. It is noted on the Website and Facebook that our 700 member maximum will soon be reached, and applications received after that point shall be put on a waiting list. Those new applications shall be processed as the membership is reduced to under the 700 amount.

So far Paula Woodard, secretary, has been able to contact and verify late pay members intentions about renewing, and has been able to delete those confirmed as not renewing. Therefore, she has been able to process applications recently received. She still has 3 March confirmed to delete, 4 April renewals for final contact, and 23 May non-pay renewals to contact.

Motion was made by Larry Cooper to accept approval of the new members, with Nich McVay second. All present in favor.


Building: Provided by Warden Nich McVay:

1. The back screen door latch has been fixed.

2. The men’s restroom toilet has been fixed.

3. The lady’s restroom sink has been fixed.

4. The A/C upstairs unit has twice been fixed, and the kitchen A/C unit now runs.

Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:

1. Sam Barta confirmed two new paddle boats are being ordered. He asked for the color preference, and it was decided green or blue. Bill Campbell noted that the existing one has been moved.

Grounds: Provided by Warden Larry Cooper:

1. Larry discussed parking problems the club has had the past two weekends as we have had an unusually large amount of traffic due to the warm weather. Mary Kay Peters was requested to send an email blast out reminding our car traffic to please park in the West portion of the parking lot for safety because of the boating trailers using the boat ramp area on the East end. It was confirmed that there are several signs hung on the building and the parking area directing the car parking.

2. Larry thanked Tim Lustgraaf who delivered more gravel for the parking lot. He also thanked Ed Washa and Bill Campbell for spreading the gravel where it was most needed.

3. Larry Cooper made motion to give Ed Washa for a one year free renewal next year for all of the work he does at the club on the grounds as well as the help he provides to our secretary with the computer and printer system.

4. Larry noted that the new entry sign has been finalized, and they are waiting to receive a 4’ x 10’ special size wood board. The cost of the wood has gone up, but they are holding to the quoted figure. New posts were put in for the new sign.

5. Larry thanked Gavin Campbell for power washing off the new memorial bench which had an elm tree drop sap on it, and also for doing a great job cleaning the retaining wall.

6. The new mowers were purchased this month. Gavin Campbell will now be doing the mowing.

Bruce Petersen made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Mary Kay Peters second, and all present in favor.


1. Mc Elderry’s Kids Fishing Tournament – June 12th 10:00am to 12:00 pm – Signs have been put up in the building about this upcoming event. It has been announced on the Website and Facebook, and Mary Kay Peters also sent out email blasts. Paula Woodard noted that last year 44 children attended.

Paula Woodard will be picking up the food, Jon Barnes and Gavin Campbell will purchase up to $500 of prizes from Bass Pro, and Nich McVay obtained a $50 gift certificate from Scheel’s to use as a prize. Larry Cooper thanked the Trailblazers who held their annual fishing event last weekend for donating the bait for our upcoming fishing tournament.

2. Kids room/ Eagle Scout project – Nich McVay noted that the wood for the building project has been put upstairs in the kids room. The door will be locked for safety reasons until the project construction is complete. The Boy Scout troop will work on the project July 10 & 11 from 1:00 – 4:00pm, and again on July 31 & August 1 from 1:00 – 4:00pm.

3. Website upgrades to sell club merchandise – The webmaster has now created a “SHOP” section on the website allowing members to purchase club hats and t-shirts. Payment will be via credit card. Members making a purchase will need to pick up their orders at the club. Paula Woodard, secretary, will contact them upon receiving their order. We are excited that we already have two live orders.

4. First Aid Station – Jay Wilson confirmed that the AED paddles and the storage box have arrived. The AED machine is on back order, but expected to arrive soon. A club member has offered to provide training. Jay and Nick, board members, also are certified for training. Jay suggested we ask our member to give a first aid class in the fall or winter. It is felt the club is too busy to hold a class during the summer because of parking issues.

5. Entrance Sign: Larry Cooper noted the status of the new sign in the above “Warden of Ground” report.

6. Picnic Tables – 5 tables have been ordered. Jon Barnes and Jay Wilson will go pick them up to save on freight.

7. Paddle Boats – Sam Barta noted the status of the new paddle boats in the above “Warden of Dock and Boats” report.

8. Lawn Mowers – As was noted above in the “Warden of Ground” report, these have been purchased and are in use. Bill Campbell thanked the board members who allowed to go a little over the budget. He feels this is a good purchase.


1. Insurance Inspection Requests – The Insurance Inspection Result Report has been discussed with Larry Cooper and Bill Campbell by John Dalton. Paula Woodard also provided his report to Nich McVay. Quotes are being obtained for the required updates, and Paula Woodard has obtained the necessary Certificate of Insurance for our vendors as required.

2. Lake Manawa July 2nd Fireworks – It was thought the Annual 4th of July Fireworks were scheduled to be held on Friday, July 2, 2021. It appears this date has not been confirmed yet. Larry Cooper made motion to donate $500 towards the fireworks once confirmation has been received, and the donation has been formally requested of the club. Bill Campbell seconded with all present in favor.

3. Hunting Safety Class – Bill Campbell noted the local game warden would like to put on a hunting safety class for the September hunting season at our facility. It would be a 3 hour class with approximately 20 people. Larry Cooper made motion to allow them to hold this event. Bill Campbell seconded. All present in favor.

GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):

1. Chris Nader suggested that we add a $5.00 charge for new applications to be applied against upcoming children events (for the food etc provided.) It was decided that we would not make this change at this time.

2. A member suggested we send a yearly sticker when we send out renewal cards to be attached to the existing window decal. The small sticker would just have the current year on it. So next years renewals would be presented with a “2022” silver sticker to put on the existing decal. The board liked the idea, but Larry Cooper suggested we table this until next month’s meeting so we can figure out the details.

3. Nich McVay explained that his son, Hunter, has been required by his Boy Scout Conservation Committee to obtain a short note or letter from the club’s fishermen saying if they feel the fish habitats created and installed at the fishing dock by his Boy Scout Troop has improved the fishing results. Paula Woodard will put notices requesting help from the fishermen with this.

4. Monthly Pot Luck Dinners – It was asked when the club would begin holding the monthly pot luck dinners. Mary Kay Peters noted that the first Sunday in July will be over the 4th of July holiday. It was decided we will check to see if members are comfortable holding the dinner for the month of August 2021.

Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30PM by Larry Campbell and seconded by Bill Campbell. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary