February 2022 Minutes

Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club

Board of Directors Meeting

February 8, 2022

President Jon Barnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Jon Barnes, Sam Barta, Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell, Ryan Campbell, Larry Cooper, Roger Amburn, Nich McVay, Jay Wilson and Mary Kay Peters

Board Members Absent: Mark Conway

Other Members Present: Julie Bowen and Roland Lynch

Minutes for the Board Meeting of January 11, 2022 were reviewed. Larry Cooper made motion to approve the minutes with Sam Barta second. All present in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam Barta, Treasurer, provided the accountability statement for the period ending January 31, 2022. He reported income and expense for that month. He noted that the expenses are pretty much the regular utilities and such. The largest amount of expense is for the dock repairs, and the total year to date on that is on budget. The Edward Jones account had a small decrease for January. Sam noted that Amber of Edward Jones would be happy to attend a board meeting and suggest some possible changes of the investments. It was noted that we would be happy to have her speak for 15 minutes at our March 2022 monthly board meeting. Sam will set up the appointment. Sam also noted that our accountants mentioned when we charge the $50 administrative fee on the new applications, or as late fees for past due renewals, we should have been including sales tax for that additional $50. The sales tax amount has been fixed on the website and the hard copy applications. Last, Sam noted that he had not paid the Treasurer and Secretary salarys of $599.00 for 2021, and he would do so.

The total Cash and Investment amount was also provided. Bill Campbell made motion to accept the Treasurer Report with Jay Wilson second. All present in favor.

Presentation of Vouchers: Sam Barta presented the January vouchers for approval. Larry Cooper made motion to accept the vouchers with Bill Campbell second. All present in favor.

Approval of New Members: The following six (6) new members were reviewed for approval. We welcome new members: Lehr & Natalie Dircks, Shawn Atkinson, John Patten & Kathy McDonald, James & Malinda Davis, Linda Laurie & Billy St. John and Shane Lea.

With the 6 new members noted above, the current total membership is 698. There are a few unpaid renewals which Paula has contacted. If more new applications are received, Paula will direct call those late members. Motion was made by Bill Campbell to accept approval of the new members, with Larry Cooper second. All present in favor.


Building: Per Warden Nich McVay:

Upstairs display cupboard lighting – Several of the display nights are burned out. It is believed they were installed in 1997. Nich is replacing them with wireless motion lights that will turn on as people approach the displays. The existing light switch will just turn on the lights of the picture display on the east side of the room.

Upstairs Patio lighting – Nich has replaced one of the light bulbs, and intends to replace all three fixtures out there this spring when the weather is warmer.

Display Case Box – Bill Campbell put tiles on the display box seat.

Smoke Alarm – The smoke alarm was replaced.

Upstairs Restroom – The toilet had been plugged with what appeared to be food, and Nich unplugged it.

Men’s Bathroom – A faucet was dripping. Nich thanked Bill Campbell for replacing it. He also thanked Tom Tews for changing the batteries in the auto flush toilet censors.

Dining Room – The faucet drips a couple times after use and then stops. No work needed at this time.

Women’s Restroom – Nich and Jim McVay replaced parts in one toilet as well as replaced the toilet bolts, plus they tightened a toilet seat in another stall.

Kitchen – Nich changed out some burned out lights.

Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:

1. Kayak Dock and Launch – Bill built a kayak dock and launch to help members when they use the kayaks.

2. Watercraft Registration – Bill will take the paperwork down to register the two new paddle boats.

2. Boat Dock Repair & Expansion – The dock portion by the boat ramp is now all framed in. Bill picked up the decking for it last week and will screw them down when the fasteners arrive. He could use some help on the main deck and sides. Jay Wilson and Larry Cooper noted that Bill had done a great job on the dock repair work, and that he has saved us a lot of money with the labor he and the volunteers have put into it. Bill confirmed this new decking will be skid resistant, and have low heat from the sun. It will be strong.

Grounds: Provided by Warden Larry Cooper:

1. Jon Barnes noted that the snow removal people have done a nice job, and that the lot has not been torn up by their equipment.

2. Larry noted that we will be replacing the pole at the Handicap sign by the front entry way.

3. It was discussed to place new lights on the new dock.

Jay Wilson made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Ryan Campbell second, and all present in favor.


1. Kitchen Annual Contract – Now that the cleaning contract is completed, Nich will meet with the Courtney and Paula Woodard to finalize and sign the 2022 contract.

2. Gutter & VinylPaula Woodard spoke to the contractor, and he expects to have this project completed and billed by the end of February. They were waiting for some warmer weather.

3. Boat & Dock Upkeep – This information is in the Boat & Dock Warden’s report above.

4. Lewis Central Auction Donation – Paula Woodard has given the 1 Year Membership donation form, the club t-shirt and club hat to Ryan Campbell for delivery to the Lewis Central Booster club for their upcoming auction. The event is being held in April 2022.

5. Social Event/Bingo Night – The Bingo night will be held February 18, at 6:30 PM with Ryan Campbell calling out the numbers. It was decided to host an additional Bingo Night on Friday, March 18 as well. We will wait to host future Bingo Nights until after the summer months. Bill Campbell will bring a case of water in a cooler and Paula Woodard will supply ice tea for drinks. Nich McVay said the club may borrow the Boy Scouts popcorn machine to provide snacks. We are going to keep it simple for now until we see what type of attendance we have. JoAnn Tews had suggested we ask attendees to bring a small $2.00 gift to use as prizes. We will also have 3 restaurant gift cards for prizes, and hold a 50/50 raffle where the winner will keep 50% as the fourth prize. Mary Kay will put the information on Facebook and send an email blast. Paula will ask Ed Washa to put the information on our website.

6. Valentine Dinner – This is being held again Feb 12, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30. Paula will obtain table clothes. We still have vases and table candles from the last time to set on the tables. Courtney has chosen to serve a beef dish and a seafood dish for entrees as well as rolls, salads and desserts.


The board did not have any new business to discuss at this time.

GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):

Larry Cooper made a motion for the club to give a 1 Year Membership to the Pheasants Forever Club is we are solicited. Bill Campbell seconded and all present in favor.

Bill Campbell noted that the club donated $100 to the recent ice fishing tournament which was hosted by the Anchor Inn Bait Shop.

Roland Lynch suggested we have a company put freon, neon and another gas between the window pains to save on heat. Jon Barnes and Bill Campbell explained that our windows are newer, and already have gas between them. Roland also told the board that the City of Council Bluffs has been discussing adding a trolley line in town that would be connected to the new Omaha one when it is built, and that it will come close to the club. Jon Barnes explained that we are a private club, so those riders would not be able to use the club. Jon thanked Roland for this information.

Roger Amburn noted that he is now able to put all club events on the website calendar. This will include rentals for the upstairs. Now our members can remind themselves of upcoming events, and verify if the rental is available for their use on specific days. So far he has January through June entered, and he will enter July through December in the near future.

Nich McVay noted that we need to update the board members picture on the website. We will get this done at the March meeting.

Bill Campbell wanted to remind the members that the Annual Spring Crappe Fishing Tournament will be held April 23 – 24, 2022, and that we plan to host a boat parade for the 4th of July.

Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:07PM by Larry Cooper and seconded by Nich McVay. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary