December 2021 Minutes

Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club

Board of Directors Meeting

December 14, 2021

President Jon Barnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Jon Barnes, Jay Wilson, Sam Barta, Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell, Ryan Campbell, Larry Cooper, Mark Conway, and Mary Kay Peters and Roger Amburn.

Board Members Absent: Nich McVay

Other Members Present: Tom Tews, Marcy Lucas and Rod Putnam

Minutes for the Board Meeting of November 9, 2021 was reviewed. Larry Cooper made motion to approve the minutes with Sam Barta second. All present in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam Barta, Treasurer, provided the accountability statement for the period ending November 30, 2021. He reported income and expense for that month. Sam confirmed upon Larry Cooper’s inquiry that the Edward Jones account went down some. The total Cash and Investment amount is available on the Financial Statement copy attachd to the bulletin in the facility. Larry Cooper made motion to accept the Treasurer Report with Jay Wilson second. All present in favor.

Presentation of Vouchers: Sam Barta presented the November vouchers for approval. Larry Cooper made motion to accept the vouchers with Bill Campbell second. All present in favor.

Approval of New Members: The following nine (9) new members were reviewed for approval. We welcome new members: Jo & Walt Winter, Charles Wood, Duane & Paulette Barrier, Naomi & Andrew Bruttig, Bob & Alyce Hough, Brian & Jayme Cadwallader, Peter & Yvette Schneider, Richard Price II and Brian & Christie McCarthy.

With the 9 new members noted above, the current total membership is 691. There are about a dozen unpaid renewals which Paula is contacting. Motion was made by Bill Campbell to accept approval of the new members, with Larry Cooper second. All present in favor.


Building: Provided by Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell & Larry Cooper for Warden Nich McVay:

1. Nich has looked over the renewal contract and suggested that we only have the cleaning people include the Kid’s Playroom on weekends as it is not used much during the week. Doors and woodwork cleaning was also added to the contract as requested by Larry Cooper at the November meeting. Larry Cooper noted that the cleaning people should have been including the Kid’s Playroom all along. Nich will get with Zita Clean to sign off on the contract.

2. Gutter & Vinyl – Bill Campbell obtained a quote to replace the gutters and vinyl at the back area. See “New Business” section below for details.

3. Wash Outside of Building – Larry Cooper stated that Gavin Campbell washed the front porch area, and he will be power washing the back porch area soon.

4. Floor Tiles – Larry Cooper noted that there are several broken floor tiles in both the upstairs and downstairs area. He suggests that we get quotes to replace the tiles.

5. Flooring of Porches – Bill Campbell also noted that the upstairs porch, which is carpeted, needs to be replaced. This includes some of the sub-flooring. It is being discussed using tiles instead of carpet which holds the moisture that enters by the screen windows. The downstairs porch also needs to be looked at.

Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:

1. Bubblers – these were attached in November, but have not had to be turned on yet.

2. Update Watercraft Registration – Bill noted that he will be updating the registrations for the watercraft, and obtaining same for the two new paddle boats. Numbers are needed for the new paddle boats, and a sticker with our name shall be put on them in case they slip away.

3. Boat Dock – Bill obtained a quote for repairing the portion of the dock by the boat slip. The dock shall be 1 ft wider and 60 ft long (an additional 20 ft) when finished. Larry Cooper made motion to approve $8,000 for the dock repair. Jay Wilson seconded, and all present in favor. It was noted that the remainder of the dock shall also be repaired in portions, which shall be discussed at future monthly meetings. Bill Campbell will order the supplies and pick them up from the vendor to save on freight. Volunteers shall be contacted to help with this project.

Grounds: Provided by Warden Larry Cooper:

1. Parking Lot Lights -Three of the lights in the parking area have been replaced by Mid American Energy, whom they belong to.

2. Tree Limb – Larry thanks an anonymous member who cut up and moved a large dead tree limb over to the dumpster for disposal.

3. Side Walk Salt – Larry has been notified by Gavin Campbell that we need to purchase some salt for the walkway and parking area.

Ryan Campbell made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Roger Amburn second, and all present in favor.


1. Annual Christmas Party – The club thanks the parents and grandparents that brought the kids out for this party. We also wish to thank, Jon Barnes, Jay Wilson, JoAnn Tews for helping to set everything up, and Karri Feeken who again hosted the club’s Annual Christmas Party for approximately 20 children. Karri entertained them with cookie decorating, cotton ball snow ball fights, and musical chairs. Also, our thanks to Ella Wilson, daughter of Jay Wilson, who read books to the kids for Karri. She also assisted Santa with handing out the candy canes. Jay Wilson stepped in and took over as Santa this year since Steve Feeken was unable to do so, and he did a fabulous job! The club offered juice, cookies and chips to the children, as well as the parents and grandparents for refreshments, and provided each child with a bag of candy as they left. Hopefully next year Covid will be a thing of the past and more children will be able to attend.

2. First Aid Training Class – Jay Wilson and the board has noted that his work schedule will allow him to hold the first aid classes on a Thursday in February. He shall contact Matt Calbreath and get with Nich McVay for the training. It was noted the class shall be for educational purposes only, and the attendees will not be certified afterwards. It will be to show how the AED machine in the dining area is used, and to provide some simple outdoor first aid. Once a date and time has been determined, an email blast shall be sent to members.

3. Paddle Boats – Sam Barta noted that the 2 new paddle boats have arrived. Marcy Lucas stated her concern that they are heavy to put into the water for use. Bill Campbell stated that they shall be put onto ramps so they will slide in and out of the water.

4. Caretaker Annual Contract – The annual contact between the club’s caretaker and the club is prepared and ready for approval and signatures.

5. Kitchen Contract – The annual contract with Jabour’s Café is coming up in January. Paula Woodard, secretary, has provided copies to Nich McVay, Jon Barnes and Courtney Merk. Nich shall meet with her for approval and signatures.

6. Benco Contract Benco Contract Paula Woodard sent the contract to Benco to look over. Bill Campbell spoke to Scott of Benco, and the contract has been approved. Contract signatures shall be obtained and the annual payment shall be sent.


1. Building Upkeep – Bill Campbell obtained a quote of $1,860 from All-City Seamless Gutter to replace gutters and the downspout as well as aluminum wraps, vinyl soffit & fur out the porch lid to hide the electrical conduit. Larry Cooper made a motion we accept the bid. Ryan Campbell seconded, and all present in favor.

GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):

Ryan Campbell had been contacted by the Vice President of the Lewis Central Booster Club requesting a donation of a one year membership for their upcoming fundraiser event. Larry Cooper made motion we donate a 1 Year Membership, a club t-shirt and club hat. Bill Campbell seconded with all present in favor.

Ryan Campbell suggested that the club hold a Friday evening bingo night to encourage a social event. It was suggested that a date be chosen and an email blast be sent out to all members. This will be discussed further.

Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 PM by Bill Campbell and seconded by Larry Cooper. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary