October 2021 Minutes

Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club
Board of Directors Meeting
October 12, 2021

President Jon Barnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Jon Barnes, Jay Wilson, Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell, Bruce Petersen, Larry Cooper, Julie Bowen, Mary Kay Peters, Nich McVay and Roger Amburn.

Board Members Absent: Sam Barta

Other Members Present: Jim McVay, Roland Lynch, Marcy Lucas, JoAnne & Tom Tews, Sam & Ricky Johnson representing Boy Scout Troop 463.

Minutes for the Board Meeting of September 14, 2021 was reviewed. Bill Campbell noted we need to add Chris White to the picnic table portion of September’s minutes. Chris also assisted putting the new picnic tables together. Larry Cooper made motion to approve the Minutes with Bruce Petersen second. All present in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam Barta, Treasurer, has sent his apologies as he was unable to attend this meeting. He provided the Financial Report figures to Paula Woodard, secretary the day after this meeting. The September 30, 2021 Income and the Expense amount were provided. The Total Cash and Investments amount was also provided. This information appears on the hard copy which can be found on the bulletin board in the dining room. This report shall also be a part of the Annual Board Meeting on October 21, 2021.

Presentation of Vouchers: Again, Sam apologizes for not attending the meeting and having this information immediately available. The vouchers will be available at the November 2021 monthly board meeting for approval.

Approval of New Members: The following eight (8) new members were reviewed for approval. We welcome new members: Dennis & Connie Hotz, Deith & Georgia Denton, Jeff & Ruth Kreger, Matthew & Sarah Kuhlmann, John Vitols, Tom & Kathy Whannell, Jeff & Patricia Gonsior and Tom & Naomi Ware.

With the 8 new members noted above and the deleted unpaid members, the current total membership is 678. The wording on our website has been changed to let potential new members know that we have room and their applications are welcome at this time. Motion was made by Bill Campbell to accept approval of the new members, with Larry Cooper second. All present in favor.



Building: Provided by Warden Nich McVay:

1. Security System – The security system kept beeping, especially in the kitchen. All Home Security System inspected it, and found the main battery needed changing. Nick thanked Tom Tews for replacing the battery they had left for us.

2. Insects/pests – It is time for CCS Pest Management to do their quarterly service. Larry Cooper noted that we need to ask them to include the building exterior as bugs are sticking on the outside of the building too. Paula will contact the service and schedule this to be done.

3. Upstairs Screen – Bruce Petersen noted that there is a portion of one of the porch screens loose and flapping in the wind that needs to be fixed.

4. Building Floors – Paula Woodard mentioned that now that the busy boating season is closing, now would be a good time to have the floors waxed and buffed. She will contact our cleaning service to see when this can be done.

5. Kid’s Playroom – Sam Johnson of the Boy Scout Troop 463 announced that the Kid’s Playroom was completed on October 10th, and is now ready for the kids to use. The shelves are finished, and the toys are set up on them ready to be played with; and the boat has seats, a steering wheel and is also ready for the kids to play on. Sam explained that the job took 109 man hours, 7 work sessions, and 21 scouts & leaders to do this project. Remaining supplies and material were put in our basement for future use. Other supplies were returned to Lowes for a refund. They came in under the $1,000 budget the club provided to them. The total cost came to $884.30. There are a couple invoices that need to be reimbursed to the leaders who paid for some of the supplies out of pocket. Larry Cooper made motion for the club to reimburse those out of pocket expenses. Jay Wilson seconded and all present in favor. Paula Woodard was provided with the receipts for the project and she will provide our treasurer with the proper check request forms for the reimbursements. Larry Cooper also made motion that the remaining unspent $155.70 be donated to the troop. Jay Wilson seconded, and all present in favor. Sam thanked the club for giving him this opportunity to do this project and allow him to work towards his Eagle Scout badge. Jay Wilson suggested we put up a brass plaque on the side of the boat in the kids room as a thanks to the Scout Troop. Paula Woodard will order the plaque.

Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:

1. Picnic Area – Bill noted that at the September board meeting that the gutters need to be repaired in the picnic area. He has requested a quote estimate for this repair.

2. Dock Boards – Bill noted that Tom Tews helped him replace some bad boards on the dock area.

3. Boat Ramp – Bill noted that Gavin Campbell helped him fill a hole with cement in the boat ramp area.

Grounds: Provided by Warden Larry Cooper:

1. Broken Fence Post – Bill Campbell, Tom Tews and Gavin Campbell put in new fence posts at two areas of the fence. Roger Amburn noted that he has some top rail he is willing to donate. Bill said to bring it to the club and we will store it for future jobs.

2. Light Globe – Larry has lined up a globe for the outside light replacement in the parking area.

3. Pea Gravel – Jon Barnes asked if we should get a load of pea gravel before winter. It was determined the parking area is good for now, and that should be done in the spring.

Bruce Petersen made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Nich McVay second, and all present in favor.


1. Annual Halloween Party Oct 24, 2021 2:00 – 3:30PM – JoAnne Tews has hung notices of the event in the building, and Mark Kay Peters is going to send out an email blast reminding members of this event. Barb Cooper has make provision for a bouncy house to be on site for this event. JoAnne noted that the company setting up the bouncy house does not send anyone to be sure only a set amount of kids are in it at a time. Board Members need to be sure to help do this. The ladies will coordinate for the serving of hot dogs, chips and juice for those attending, and Courtney of our kitchen has agreed to cook the hot dogs. It will again be a Trunk or Treat event with our members decorating the trunks of their vehicles (or they can set up a table) and the children going from trunk to trunk for their candy and handouts. Ed Washa will put a notice in the Club News on the website.

2. Annual October 2021 Annual Board Meeting Oct 21, 20231 7:00 PM – All members are welcome to attend. The post card announcements have been mailed out. The signup sheet for members interested on being part of the Board is on the front door. Paula Woodard will have copies of necessary documents to hand to attending members at the Annual Board Meeting. Paula created a synopsis of the Oct 2020 to Sept 2021 reports the Wardens had given at those months meetings and handed copies to each Warden. Bill Campbell asked that she include copies of the synopsis with the handouts at the Annual Meeting. She will also prepare the voting ballot based on the names that appear on the signup sheet. Jon Barnes asked if the board wants to include the State of State report like last year. It was decided we would, and we went through each section to verify the information to be included. Julie Bowen and Bruce Peterson confirmed that they will not be on the Board again this coming year. Ryan Campbell introduced himself and announced that he is running for the Board. Jay Wilson nominated Ted & Kathy Baker to be provided Life Time Membership status for all of the years work and help they have provided. Bill Campbell seconded and all present in favor. Jay Wilson nominated Bruce Petersen for Member of the Year for all of the work he has done outside on the grounds, and the assistance he has provided Paula Woodard, secretary, this year.

3. Kids room/ Eagle Scout project – Sam Johnson of Boys Scout Troop 463 provided this information above in the Warden of the Building section of the minutes. It is finished and ready for the kids.

4 First Aid Training Class – Jay Wilson confirmed that a date has not been chosen yet for this class. An email blast will be sent out to members offering the class when a date has been confirmed.

4. Paddle Boats – Sam Barta confirmed that the paddle boats are ready for pick up. Sam and Jon Barnes will schedule a pickup date.

5. Picnic Table – There is still one picnic table that needs to be returned to the vendor. It had been replaced by the vendor as it was sent without a necessary bracket. The vendor will pay $75.00 for gas if we bring it back.


1. Kitchen Hours – Courtney Merk mentioned that since she was out for that one week of vacation members seem confused. She has been told that some members heard the kitchen was closed for the entire winter. This is not true, and Mark Kay Peters will send out an email blast confirming they will be open all year except for the kitchen staff vacations.

2. Kitchen Contract – The annual contract with Jabour’s Café is coming up. It was noted that as the kitchen is unable to continue the Friday evening dinners we need to delete that portion from the contract. This will be discussed with them.

3. November 2021 Annual Soup Supper – November 7, 2021 will be the Annual Soup Supper. JoAnne Tews will put up a sign in the dining room during the Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat event. She said so far 5 ladies have volunteered to bring soups. Usually there are 8 or so.



GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):

1. Roland Lynch suggested that we put special trash cans outside for cans and
plastic bottles. Jon Barnes thanked Roland and said we will look into that.
2. JoAnne Tews discussed some changes she would like to see when club events take place. There needs to be better planning communication prior to the events. Example: for the fish fry it would have been nice to know who was doing what and how much fish were available to fry. She feels more younger members need to volunteer for setting up tables and chairs. Also they need help in bring needed things up from the basement, and taking them back down to the basement. It would be nice if someone with height could pour the lemonade, tea and water into the jugs, and if more members would help doing clean up of roasters and pans afterwards. She would like for a board member to be available during the entire event to visit with attendees. This could be done in shifts. For events where there is a charge, she would like the tickets to be sold in advance. Besides collecting during the event, maybe have a “ticket table” at the club on Saturday & Sunday mornings when more members are there. The board agreed more help needed to be offered.
3. Paula Woodard noted that the Midland Humane Society sent a thank you to the club for our contribution of a one year membership for their annual auction.

Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM by Larry Cooper and seconded by Bill Campbell. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary