September 2021 Minutes

Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club

Board of Directors Meeting

September 14, 2021

President Jon Barnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Jon Barnes, Jay Wilson, Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell, Bruce Petersen, Sam Barta, Larry Cooper, Julie Bowen, Mary Kay Peters, Nich McVay and Roger Amburn.

Board Members Absent:

Other Members Present: Roland Lynch, Marcy Lucas,

Minutes for the Board Meeting of August 10, 2021 was reviewed. Larry Cooper made motion to approve the Minutes with Nich McVay second. All present in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Sam Barta provided the accountability statement for the period ending August 31, 2021. He reported income and expense of for that month.

Sam explained that the semi-annual payment of our property tax will be coming up soon,

Jon Barnes asked if Sam was working on an annual budget report or next year. Sam confirmed that he is, and asked if there are any specific upcoming items that he should budget for. Julie Bowen noted that the loading ramp needs to be fixed as there seems to be a sudden drop off of the cement under the water. Bill Campbell confirmed that we had used concrete in that area before, and probably need to do it again. Bill Campbell suggested that we replace the loading dock and extend it out as it is getting a little dangerous. Nick McVay suggested changing the upstairs lights and Jon Barnes suggested replacing the tables and chairs in the dining room. It was suggested that we obtain estimates for the cost of each suggestion so Sam has an idea of what amount he will be working with.

Larry Cooper asked if the Edward Jones account needs to have funds moved around. Sam stated that he had recently discussed this with our representative. It was suggested that the representative attend a Board Meeting and explain any suggestions she may have. It was determined that it would be best to have Edwards Jones come to a meeting towards the end of the year, after the annual meeting, due to potential turnover in the board members for the upcoming year.

The total Cash and Investments were also provided. Details of the finance report can be seen o the bulletin board in the club dining room. Larry Cooper made motion to approve the Treasurer report with Bill Campbell second. All present in favor.

Presentation of Vouchers: Sam Barta presented the August vouchers for approval. Larry Cooper made motion to accept the vouchers with Mary Kay Peters second. All present in favor.

Approval of New Members: The following two (2) new members were reviewed for approval. We welcome new members: Ron & Mary Wolfe and Paula Danker & David Randolph.

With the 2 new members noted above and the deleted unpaid members, the current total membership is 691. Paula Woodard has 20 past due members to contact. If they don’t intend to renew, that would give us space for 29 new members. It is noted on the Website and Facebook that our 700 member maximum will soon be reached, and Paula suggested we change the wording noting that we have room for more new members, and we will be accepting new applicants.

Motion was made by Bill Campbell to accept approval of the new members, with Bruce Petersen second. All present in favor.


Building: Provided by Warden Nich McVay:

1. Upstairs kitchen lightsthe kitchen lights upstairs were not working. This has been repaired.

2. Air Conditioner –This has been serviced and charged.

3. Towel dispenser in men’s room – Was replaced because of broken plastic parts in the unit.

Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:

1. Picnic Area – Bill Campbell noted that the gutters need to be repaired. He is obtaining an estimate for the gutters, and some of the vinyl of the ceiling.

Grounds: Provided by Warden Larry Cooper:

1. Fences – Larry noted that the fence around the property perimeter and the children’s playground has been cleaned out. He appreciates the help he received from Chris, Mark, Bill, Gavin and Tom. Julie and other board members stated they had received compliments on the work. Especially the playground area so parents can watch the kids while they are using the picnic area.

2. Picnic Tables – Larry thanked Bill Campbell, Tom Tews, Keith Boehm and Mark Ellis who helped put together the new picnic tables. Again, many compliments have been received concerning the tables about how nice they look and how sturdy they are.

3. Lights – Larry put out some LED lights under the new entrance sign. It was agreed that it looks real nice, especially at night.

Larry Cooper made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Bill Campbell second, and all present in favor.


1. Annual Catfish Tournament Aug 20-21, 2021 The Annual Catfish Tournament was a success with 11 teams (21 people) participating. The winners were David Heirs & Jordan Smith for 1st place, Tyler Campbell & Gavin Campbell for 2nd place, Bill Campbell for 3rd place and David Heirs & Jordan Smith for biggest fish. Thanks to the members who helped run this tournament: Bruce Petersen, Jon Barnes, Bill Campbell, Larry Cooper and Nich McVay assisted with the process and operation of the tournament. Larry Cooper and Bill Campbell noted that the beginning time had been delayed one hour because of weather.

2. Kids room/ Eagle Scout project – Nich McVay noted that the Boy Scout troop is close to being finished with the kid’s room project. The shelving is mostly done, and the boat just needs the seats and a few touch ups. They have had to work around their schedules and rentals of the upstairs room.

3. First Aid Training Class – Jay Wilson suggested the class be held in the winter months of either November or December. It was confirmed that this will be a non-certification class, but at least attendees will obtain important instructions for emergencies. An email blast will be sent out to members offering the class when a date has been confirmed.

4. Picnic Tables – 5 new tables have been received and put together as noted above in Larry Cooper’s report for Warden of the Grounds. Many compliments on the tables have been received.

5. Paddle Boats – Sam Barta confirmed that the paddle boats are ready for pick up. Sam Barta is willing to go pick them up. Jon Barnes said he would help and they can use his car hauler to get them.

6. Hunting Safety Class – Bill Campbell was told by the DNR they are willing to hold another hunting safety class if there is any interest.


1. Annual Fish Fry, Sept 12, 2021 – The fish fry was a success with 64 tickets sold. With a few extra donations, $487.00 was collected. The ladies provided the menu side dishes. Larry Cooper donated some fish and the fish fryers. Pat Bowen arranged for the oil. Email blasts were sent out notifying the members of this event. We asked people to let us know if they plan to attend so we knew how much food was needed. Tickets were $7.00 each (children 7 and under free). The club thanks JoAnne & Tom Tews, Kathy & Ted Baker, Bill & Rose Campbell, Doris & Pat Montang, Judy Witherwax, Connie & Gail Leinen, Blake Nelson, and Jon Barnes for their help with this event. The ladies supplied all of the side dishes, and the men helped with the rest.

2. October 2021 Annual Board Meeting – The annual board meeting will be held October 21, 2021 beginning at 7:00 PM. Julie Bowen noted that members still have time to submit a written and signed proposal for changes to the constitution at the October 2021 monthly board meeting. At this time, there are no proposals. Paula Woodard asked if all existing board members are willing to continue for the 2021 – 2022 board. Bruce Petersen stated that he will be stepping down, and Larry Cooper also stated he did not intend to continue. We will need two new board members. Paula will be mailing out the upcoming 2021 October Annual Board Meeting notices to all members.

3. Project Coordinator – Jon Barnes has suggested that we have a Project Coordinator to organize and contact member volunteers for club projects. A list of members who have noted on their original applications their willingness to help around the club would be provided to this person. They would call or email the volunteers. The club wardens would work with them for each project. Jon had suggested that a high school student might be interested as they would learn to organize and work with a team for these projects, and it would look good on their future resumes. It is Jon’s thought to get the younger people engaged. Mary Kay Peters suggested a student from Iowa Western Community College as they would be older and more mature. It was decided this would be discussed at a future meeting.

4. Website – Ed Washa – Ed met with Nebraska Digital, our webmaster, and received training for making changes, deletions and additions to our website. He has already updated the information on the website provided to him by Paula Woodard, secretary.

GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):

1. Roland Lynch suggested that a window be put in the back door for light in the back hallway. Jay Wilson noted that we are looking into changing to a motion switch so the lights would come on whenever someone enters the building.

2. Norma Sturm suggested we look at replacing the existing Merry-Go-Round on the playground with the type at the Lake Manawa State Park playground. Bill Campbell noted that he has seen kids have more fun on our Merry-Go-Round than the one at the park’s playground. It was decided to leave the existing one for now.

3. Halloween Party – October 24, 2021 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Paula Woodard asked if Barb Cooper would work with her on the bouncy house for the party. Larry stated that Barb thinks that company went out of business and he is not sure parents will be comfortable with their children playing in it with the Covid issue. Mary Kay Peters will send out an email blast to our members about this upcoming event, and Paula will have Ed Washa note it on our website.

4. Friends of Lake Manawa – Paula Woodard stated that the club received a thank you card from the Friends of Lake Manawa for our $500 donation towards the 2021 4th of July fireworks.

Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM by Larry Cooper and seconded by Bill Campbell. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary