Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club
Board of Directors Meeting
April 13, 2021

President Jon Barnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Board Members Present: Jon Barnes, Jay Wilson, Paula Woodard, Bill Campbell, Bruce
Petersen, Mary Kay Peters, Sam Barta, Larry Cooper, Nich McVay and Julie Bowen.
Board Members Absent: Roger Amburn
Other Members Present: Gavin Campbell, Jim McVay and Marcy Lucas.
Minutes for the Board Meeting of March 9, 2021 was reviewed. Bill Campbell made motion to
approve the Minutes with Nich McVay second. All present in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Sam Barta provided the accountability statement for the period ending
March 31, 2021. He reported income and expense for that month. The total Cash and
Investments information is available in the club dining room. Sam noted that a new bank
account is being set up with a debit card. This account will only be used by approved Board
Members, such as the Wardens and the Secretary, for purchases and services for the club
building and grounds. The secretary has created a sign out sheet for when the card is in use,
and she has explained that receipts for said purchases and services are to be turned in with the
return of the card to the office. The card should be available for use by next week.
Bruce Petersen made motion to approve the Treasurer report with Nich McVay second. All
present in favor.
Presentation of Vouchers: Sam Barta presented the March vouchers for approval. Larry
Cooper made motion to accept the vouchers with Bruce Petersen second. All present in favor.
Approval of New Members: The following thirty five (35) new members were reviewed for
approval. We welcome new members Don & Tiffany Hudgell, Gage Sorensen, Nash Sorensen,
Rod & Tia Brandenburg, Don & Julie Williams, Mike & Esther Stapleton, John & Jean Blue,
Rodney & Shelly Scott, Justin & Ashley Gray, Anthony & Stephanie Krum, John & April
Maxwell, Wayne Plowman & Jeri James, Harold & Carol Swift, Mel & Chris Samples, George &
Angela Minor, Ed & Kathleen Conway, Michael & Amanda Conway, Steven & Julie Mount,
Jaimie Foreman & David Whittington, Matt & Auytumn Moore, Brent & Jamie Lincoln, James
& Jill Baker, Dave & Hope Burns, Jean Edwards & Scott Eckert, Aaron & Ronnie Harless,
Martin McIntosh, Charles & Jan Hillis, Rob & Kathy Hart, Kyle & Angela Kreger, Kevin &
Teresa Waters, Robert & Donna Reineke, David Newberry, Harley Moore and Ron Hough.
With the 35 new members noted above, the current total membership is 697. It will be noted on
the Website and Facebook that our 700 member maximum will soon be reached, and applications
received after that point shall be put on a waiting list. Those applications shall be processed as
the membership is under the 700 amount. Motion was made by Bill Campbell to accept approval
of the new members, with Larry Cooper second. All present in favor.

Building: Provided by Warden Nich McVay:
1. Nich provided the secretary with pictures showing the serial and model number of each of the
clubs furnaces and air conditioners. Our service provider has noted the age of each unit. This
information shall be stored in our records.
2. Nich noted that he fixed the toilets in the restrooms, and Larry Cooper stated he had been told
the faucets in the men’s restroom is leaking. This will be looked into.
Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:
1. The boats and docks are in good shape at this time. Gavin has brought out the kayaks and
paddle boards from storage for members use.
2. Two new paddle boards have been purchased for the club. We now have four for the use of
our members.
3. Bill noted that the two paddle boats are old and he is concerned about safety. The cost of two
new paddle boats would be $3,000. They are commercial size with pontoons, and they will self
drain after rains. Bill Campbell made motion to purchase two paddle boats with Mary Kay
Peters second. All present in favor.
Grounds: Provided by Warden Larry Cooper:
1. Larry presented some examples for the new outdoor parking entry sign for approval. A few
changes were suggested, so Larry will present these changes to the sign company. When the sign
is ready to be set up, the existing posts shall be replaced.
2. Bill Campbell replaced pipes under the caretaker house. The work was tested and approved
by a plumbing service and the city inspector.
3. Two new grills have been ordered for the east side picnic area. They are free standing
surface mounted grills costing $700 plus freight. They should come this week. Two more shall be
ordered soon. The original brick grills shall be torn down.
Bill Campbell made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Larry Cooper
second, and all present in favor.

1. Sewer Clean Out Pipe – At the March meeting it was discussed if signage was needed. Larry
Cooper stated that he had been told it was unnecessary.

2. Kids room/ Eagle Scout project – The Boy Scout, Sam, announced through Nich McVay that
the Boy Scout Council has approved his request to build the shelves and fix the boat in the kids
play room. Sam will attend the May board meeting for final approval and to order materials.
3. Website upgrades to sell club merchandise – Paula Woodard took pictures of the short and
long sleeved shirts and hats to send to our webmaster. She noticed that the supply we have in the
cabinet needs to be replenished. She will see what colors and sizes need to be ordered. Then they
will be available for sale on our website.
4. First aid station – Jay Wilson noted that Bill Campbell has hung the first aid box on the
north side of the building. It holds a blanket, throw rope and other first aid items. He also will
be obtaining an AED with a mounting case for $1,700, which will be housed inside the dining
room. Nich McVay made motion for the AED to be purchased with Mary Kay Peters second.
All present in favor.
5. Spring Crappie Fishing Tournament April 24, 2021 – We have 3 applications to date. The
applicant doesn’t need to fish from a boat, but can fish from shore. They don’t need to have a
partner, but the entry fee will still be $30.00. We are expecting more entrants this week.
6. Picnic Table Quotes – Jay obtained a quote for new picnic tables. They would be like the ones
that the park has in their shelters. They are sturdy so they won’t tip over easily, sides are
rounded for safety, the seats have easy access, and they are easy to clean and should require little
maintenance. They should last at least 10 to 12 years. The price is $1,100 each. It was agreed
that some should be purchased to replace the old existing tables.
7. TV Station Camera for weather reports – Jay contacted KETV Channel 7, and was told they
are not interested at this time to set up a camera on the lake to view during their weather reports.
This issue is being dropped for now.
8. 2 memberships to Tim Lusgraaf – These were sent to Tim by Paula Woodard, secretary, and
two of his employees have signed up for memberships.
9. Easter Egg Hunt – We were not sure what to expect for attendance because of the Covid-19
situation, but it turned out to be a huge success. Bill Campbell stated at least 100 children
attended. Larry Cooper said that the parking lot was full and attendees were parking on the
street. Paula Woodard stated that we put out over 1,000 eggs with chocolate candy, 120 eggs
with quarters in them, and it was thought we had 12 eggs with Prize notes in them. It turns out,
Paula messed up and did 14. She is sorry to say, we were short two prizes. That will not happen
again. Larry Cooper noted some children only got a couple eggs, and suggested that we hold a
few eggs back for children who are not able to obtain any, or only find one or two. This will be
noted for next years event. We shall also note that we need more eggs next year. Nich McVay
suggested we have a few eggs with chocolate that don’t have nuts or peanut butter for those
children with allergies. We could put them in a specified color of egg. Nich McVay took some
pictures which Mary Kay and Gavin will put on the website and face book. Also, next year we
are planning to have a Easter bunny (a member has already volunteered for this).

1. Club Insurance Renewal – Our insurance agent has provided us with the club’s May 2021
renewal policies. The copy is in the office, and should we have any questions, he would be happy
to answer them. The secretary, Paula Woodard, gave the invoice to Sam Barta, treasurer, for
payment. There were no questions at this time.
2. Membership Drive Over – Gavin Campbell has changed the membership application price
back to the regular amount of $191.24 for future applicants. We signed up 58 new members
during this years drive.
3. Dining Room Coffee Pot – A new member who has an electrical company suggested that a
timer be put on the existing coffee pot in the dining room which is used on Mondays and
Tuesdays by the card players. This could be set for any time limit they think would be
reasonable, such as 2 or 3 hours. He said it is an easy fix. It was decided to leave the coffee pot as
it is for now.
4. Emergency Use of boat ramp for CB Fire Dept. – Paula Woodard suggested we offer our boat
ramps use to the CB Fire Dept Station #5 for any emergency water calls. She was told that it is
actually faster for them to use the park ramp because of the location of this fire dept.
GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):
1. Jay Wilson suggested that we order coffee mugs with the club decal on it and have them
available for purchase on our website. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
2. Jay Wilson has contact our vendor for the memorial benches and he asked if we should order
two so we have one on hand. Larry Cooper didn’t think this would be necessary as the vendor
always has them available.
3. Jay Wilson asked about the club giving Ted and Kathy Baker a life time membership for all
that they have done for the club. It was decided that we would put them in for nomination at the
October 2021 annual Meeting.
4. Nich McVay asked for confirmation that the annual club clean up will be held Saturday, May
1, 2021. Nich will be ordering the supplies needed to finish the habitat project the Boy Scouts
have been working on. He was told the date for the annual clean up is correct.
Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM
by Bill Campbell and seconded by Nich McVay. All present in favor.
Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary