Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club Annual Meeting and Election of Officers: October 21, 2021
Meeting called to order by President Jon Barnes at 7:00 PM, and introduced himself to the attendees.
Board Member Absent: None
Board Members Attended: Jon Barnes, Jay Wilson, Sam Barta, Paula Woodard, Nich McVay, Larry Cooper, Bill Campbell, Mary Kay Peters, Julie Bowen, Roger Amburn and Bruce Petersen were present at this meeting. The eleven board members, plus 13 Club members were present for a total of 24.
Blake Nelsen led as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. Jay Wilson dedicated a moment of silence for those club members who have passed away in the last year.
Jon asked all present members to review the minutes from the 2020-2021 Annual Meeting. Larry Cooper made motion with Nich McVay second to accept the minutes as presented. All present approved.
Presidents Report: Jon Barnes explained the President’s “State of the States” report and the six different areas that the club engages with members and our community.
The “Membership” area was green because during the past year while we met our membership maximum limit, we are now at 678 on our membership, and can accept new member applications.
The “Education/Conservation” area was yellow as we weren’t able to hold all of the events due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, this year should be better as events such as the Trailblazer Annual Fishing Event and other sporting classes will be held.
The “Member Engagement” area was also yellow as some of the indoor events were not held because of Covid-19. We have now begun holding indoor and outdoor events for our members again. The Annual Fish Fry was held, and the Annual Soup Supper and Christmas Parts are expected to be held. The monthly pot luck dinners are also being held again.
The “Community Engagement” was green as most meetings, like the FOLM and DNR meetings, have been held. We also provided donations of one year memberships to charity events like the Midlands Humane Society, Iowa Western Comm College Black Tie, and the Jenny Ed Spirit of Courage as well as other community charity events.
The “Site/Capital Improvements” were green. A few of the projects that were done were the creation of a Kids Playroom by Boy Scouts Troop 463, the re-roofing of the caretakers house, the new club sign at the parking entry area, new picnic tables and the purchase of paddle boards and paddle boats are just a few of the things that were completed.
The “Online Presence” was green as a large share of new member and renewal applications were provided and paid for via our updated website. The club also now offers the purchase of t-shirts and hats via the website. Ed Washa has agreed to do all updates of club information on our website, and Jon Barnes said he will do a better job of updating the information on our Face Book.
Paula Woodard presented the Secretary Report. She noted that we approved 112 new members from January 2021 to October 2021. The club currently has 678, and we are again accepting New Member Applications. A total of $86,509.50 was collected this year for new and renewal applications. She noted that it helps our bank account when members use the website to pay for memberships, as the money hits the bank faster. Paula thanked Bruce Petersen for doing the rentals of the upstairs rooms, Mary Kay Peters for creating and sending out the quarterly news letters along with sending the email blasts to our members, and she also thanked Ed Washa for all of the assistance he has provided her and the club with our computer and printer issues. These people have been a life saver to her. She also noted which events could not be held during the past year because of Covid-19, which events we were able to hold, and which upcoming events are planned to be held going forth. Paula noted we provided one year memberships to community charities as noted above by Jon Barnes. The Board would like to thank the members who have supported the kitchen. Your support of this kitchen helps to keep it open. Paula noted there seemed to be some confusion about the kitchen status. They took a one week vacation, as provided per the contract, and some members thought they were closing permanently even though it had been posted it was only for one week. We also recently heard some members thought the kitchen was going to be closed for the winter. Paula explained that is also not true. We would not close the kitchen without notice to our members.
Treasurer Report: Sam Barta presented the financial statements as of September 30, 2021, making note of the following items. YTD Income was provided, of which 94%+ was coming from Membership dues. This consisted of 637 renewals with an anticipated total of 650 renewals for the fiscal year. Of those….39.35% renewed online, further supporting the necessity of that option for our members. The increase in memberships over the last year also allowed for several larger purchases that brought upgrades, safety, and functionality to the club. Things such as a new roof at the caretakers house, AED machine, and new paddle boats made for a safer setting and equipment for all members. The purchase of several new picnic tables, grills, and a new sign out front were long over due upgrades that are more welcoming to both newer and seasoned members. Then the purchase of a new zero turn mower brings the ability to handle different projects from the Grounds team while also providing some cost savings with 3rd party mowing and grading services. This was all done by managing funds and timing out purchases during the higher renewal periods, as to not deplete excess cash balances. Sam anticipates that we will end the year with approximately 95% of our opening cash balance from the beginning of the year at an estimated $160K total cash and equivalents. An analysis of spend and trending of expenses shows that our annual OPEX (Operating Expenses) was made up about 70% of our spend so far this year. In order retain current year dependency and not have to draw down current cash balances…. he estimates we would need to sustain about an 80% renewal rate from our current roster of members, which equates to about 520 renewals. Overall, he feels the club is in a very healthy financial position and looks forward to a productive year ahead. The total Cash and Investments amount was also provided for the past year. A copy of the financial report can be found in the dining room at the club house.
Larry Cooper made motion to approve the Treasurers report, and Bill Campbell second. All present approved.
Warden Reports – A synopsis copy of the following were provided to the attendees.
- Warden of the Building, Nich McVay:
Nich explained that he had stepped into this position last year as Mo Bowen had to step down from the Board. He stated that with the assistance of Bill Campbell, Tom Tews, Bruce Petersen and others some of the building issues that were attended to were changing display lights in the display cupboards upstairs, took down the wallpaper border and painted in the back entry hallway, as well as replaced the lighting to LED, changed all filters in the building as necessary, completed renewal of the Zita Clean contract and the Jabour Cafe contract, replaced the smoke detectors throughout the building, put up a paper towel dispenser and baby changing station in the men’s room, replaced the grease trap and did some plumbing in the kitchen, had the A/C fixed, saw that the caretaker roof and chimney were replaced per our insurance company, did soffit repair, fixed the meter box that had broken loose, as well as the upstairs kitchen lighting. The new towel dispenser was replaced as it had been broken. The Boy Scout Troop 463 spent 109 man hours building shelves and fixing up the boat in the Kid’s Playroom. Sam Barta asked if there is any re-occurring conditions that will need to be addressed soon. Nich replied the A/C’s. Jon Barnes asked Tom Tews if he knew of anything coming up to be addressed, and he noted the leak in the lines for the A/C freon. Jay Wilson thanked Tom Tews for all he does around the club. Roland Lynch asked if the lights in the parking area is the responsibility of the power company. Larry Cooper told him the club owns those lights, and the bulbs have recently been replaced.
- Warden of the Boats and Docks, Bill Campbell:
Bill noted the repair to the docks of replacement of some bad boards is ongoing. He also noted the bubblers are put on the docks in November and taken off in April to protect the docks from the ice. He confirmed the purchase of two more paddle boards, and that a rack had been built to store them on. Also two commercial size paddle boats have been purchased and will be picked up soon. Three kayaks have been repaired, and another new kayak has been donated by Chris Sorensen this year. Bill and Gavin Campbell repaired a hole in the boat ramp with concrete. There is talk of adding some length to the boat dock portion as we have an increase of boating activity. Bill noted that he spent a lot of man hours checking membership status of boaters and visitors as a lot of people try to use our facilities that don’t belong to the club, and he would appreciate help in this area.
- Warden of the Grounds, Larry Cooper:
Larry thanked the group of volunteers who have helped with the projects on the grounds this year. They removed some trees, and after receiving some concerns from parents and boaters who felt they couldn’t see the kids, cleaned out the grape vines from the fencing around the kids playground area and other fencing. Larry thanked Bruce and Vicki Petersen for the planting, watering and care of the flowers under the new entry way sign. He also thanked Tim Lustgraaf for snow plowing the parking lot during the winter months, and for providing the club with pea gravel in the spring. He does this at no charge. A new sign was created and put up at the parking lot entry. Lights were also installed under the sign. Signs were hung in the parking lot designating the boat and trailer only parking. Lawn mowers were purchased to save the club in the long run the price of hiring mowing done. The 5 new picnic tables were received and set up, and two new grills were purchased and set up. Many compliments have been received on these items. Again, he thanked everyone who volunteered to help around the club.
Bill Campbell made motion to approve the Wardens reports, and Larry Cooper second. All present approved.
Presentation of Honorific Lifetime Members: Jon Barnes awarded a Honorific Lifetime Award at the meeting to:
Ted & Kathy Baker were presented with a brass lifetime membership card by Jay Wilson. Jay noted it is well deserved for all the things Ted & Kathy have done for the club through the years. Ted was a prior Treasurer for several years, and Kathy has assisted, and continues to assist, with all social events held at the club. Larry Cooper noted that Ted was instrumental at getting the club out of financial problems when he became Treasurer. He established a paper trail in the finance portion at that time. Larry thanked Ted for all he has done.
2020-2021 Member of the Year:
Jay Wilson introduced Bruce & Vicki as the Member of the Year and showed the name tag that will be put on the plaque. For several years they have planted, weeded, watered and maintained the flower bed at the parking entry sign area, as well as helped with painting and other indoor projects. Jay thanked them for everything they have done for the club.
Visitors Comments: Jon Barnes asked the visiting attendees for feed back on what they feel the club is doing well and what they feel are improvements that could be made.
Blake Nelson – Blake is impressed with how the club is family oriented. He has noticed that members are comfortable bringing their families here. The families come so the kids can use the playground and fish. Blake feels we need to continue to focus on entertainment for the kids, which will bring more grownups.
Marcy Lucas – Marcy is pleased that she can come here by herself and feel safe and comfortable. She likes how people watch out for each other and how people will talk to you. She noted that once while fishing she had a problem with her fishing pole, and another member came right over and helped her fix it.
Sam Barta – Sam stated that he brings his kids here. His first impression was of an Old Boys Club, but then found out it really wasn’t like that. He enjoys the involvement of the club.
Roland Lynch – Roland agrees with Marcy about the friendliness and saying hello to people. He noted that his family began to come in the 1940’s.
Marge Shoemaker – Marge belongs to the FOLM, and she explained the FOLM is backing away from being responsible for the annual 4th of July Fireworks display. There were a lot of hoops they had to jump through this year as the DNR didn’t want it to be held. The FOLM is ready to let it be done through community projects. Jon Barnes said that the CBF&G Club would like to work closely with the FOLM to help with projects. Bill Campbell said he would like to take his hat off to the FOLM for the groups past work.
Lloyd Burke – Lloyd stated that things at the club are going fine, and he does not have anything to criticize one bit.
Election of Officers:
Voting ballots were provided to all attending members. Thirteen club members signed on to the sign up sheet. Julie Bowen and Bruce Petersen chose to not be on the upcoming Board. Mary Kay Peters has one more year as Director, so she does not need to be included on the ballot this time. Jon Barnes had each existing board member introduce themselves, and Jon read an introduction letter provided from Ryan Campbell who was unable to attend the meeting. Jon asked if there were any other nominees that need to be included in the vote, and none were forthcoming.
Paula Woodard asked Kathy Baker & JoAnne Tews to tally the voting ballots. Once the totals were obtained, Julie Bowen announced the new board members for the 2021-2022 year. Jon Barnes thanked the ladies for their assistance.
The Board Members chose which office the elected Board Members will hold. The following are the 2020-2021 Board Members and the position they now hold:
President – *Jon Barnes
Vice President – *Jay Wilson
Treasurer – *Sam Barta
Secretary – *Paula Woodard
Director – Roger Amburn (for 2 years)
Director – Mary Kay Peters (for 1 year)
Alternate Director – Mark Conway
Alternate Director – Ryan Campbell
Warden of the Building – Nich McVay
Warden of the Grounds – Larry Cooper
Warden of the Boats & Dock – Bill Campbell
* Executive Committee
Call for additional discussion: None at this time.
With no further business, Jay Wilson made motion with Nich McVay second to adjourn this annual meeting. All present approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Paula Woodard
Secretary 2020-2021
The Board would like to thank all of the members for their continued support of the Club and for their participation in Club activities. We especially appreciate the members that attended this meeting and provided such good input.